Take our adult driver ed course at our Lafayette driving school. Louisiana law requires that anyone 18 years old or older and have never had a driver's license to take a 14-Hour Pre-Licensing Course. Register for adult driving classes today!
14 Hr Adult Pre-Licensing Course
6-Hours of Classroom (one-day class)
8-Hours of Behind-the-Wheel Driving Instruction (4 lessons, 2 hours each)
You will need a Temporary Instruction Permit to attend this course. If a deposit is not paid within 4 days, your registration will be deleted. Full payment must be received by class day. THE ROADSKILLS DRIVING TEST IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COURSE. This class is 6 hrs of classroom, OMV Knowledge Exam, and 8 Hrs Behind The Wheel training.
You will need a Temporary Instruction Permit to attend this course. If a deposit is not paid within 4 days, your registration will be deleted. Full payment must be received by class day. THE ROADSKILLS DRIVING TEST IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COURSE. This class is 6 hrs of classroom, OMV Knowledge Exam, and 8 Hrs Behind The Wheel training.
You will need a Temporary Instruction Permit to attend this course. If a deposit is not paid within 4 days, your registration will be deleted. Full payment must be received by class day. THE ROADSKILLS DRIVING TEST IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COURSE. This class is 6 hrs of classroom, OMV Knowledge Exam, and 8 Hrs Behind The Wheel training.